With the recent Stage Four restrictions in Victoria and the hard WA border closure still staying in place, there seems to be no hope of resuming back to ‘normal’ at any stage soon. For now, and for the next 12 months at least, we will just need to adapt to the new normal.
What does that mean though?

Well, in business terms, we either adapt or we die.
In the Australian mining industry, we have been lucky enough during the pandemic to find ourselves still classified as essential, but many less fortunate businesses (through no fault of their own) will be forced to close in this environment.
However, where one door closes, another can open! Just like when a new idea or technology can cause the complete demise of employment in an existing industry, there will always be new job opportunities created within the new technology space. On most occasions though, it will be up to the individuals to either relocate, re-train or re-educate themselves to remain employable.
For our regional towns and cities throughout Australia during this period, it is a perfect chance to market themselves to the world. It has been well documented that our regional hubs are losing the fight to our capital cities, as the popular FIFO method is preferred over remote residential living. Many people are not aware of the extra incentives which are on offer from the mining companies to encourage residential living or relocation to within the towns.
With so many people in other countries or industries being affected by COVID-19, it seems to the perfect time to work together with our mining companies and repopulate our wonderful communities. Let’s hope our state government’s will assist and grant border approval to people who are committed and willing to adapt.
I wish you and your business all the best.

Michael Worthington
Managing Director Worthy Parts

About Worthy Parts

Established in 2014, Worthy Parts is an internationally recognised platform for sourcing and selling parts, components and machinery across the mining, earthmoving, and construction industries.

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