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15 of 49 Items
  • Status/Condition: Used
  • Serial Number: SBR00679
  • Part Number: R1700G-SBR
  • Category: Load Haul Dump
  • Location: Goldfields
Total Price Excluding
$75,000 + GST
  • Status/Condition: Used
  • Serial Number: N/A
  • Part Number: Sandvik
  • Category: Drill
  • Location: Goldfields
  • Status/Condition: Used
  • Serial Number: JLK01255
  • Part Number: CATERPILLAR
  • Category: Load Haul Dump
  • Location: Goldfields
  • Status/Condition: Used
  • Serial Number: 117D43563
  • Part Number: SANDVIK
  • Category: Drill
  • Location: Goldfields
Total Price Excluding
$280,000 + GST
  • Status/Condition: Refurbished
  • Serial Number: N/A
  • Part Number: Longhole Drill
  • Category: Drill
  • Location: Goldfields
  • Status/Condition: Used
  • Serial Number: L917D787
  • Part Number: Sandvik
  • Category: Load Haul Dump
  • Location: Goldfields
  • Status/Condition: Used
  • Serial Number: L917D763
  • Part Number: Sandvik
  • Category: Load Haul Dump
  • Location: Goldfields
  • Status/Condition: Used
  • Serial Number: 114D38361-1
  • Part Number: Sandvik
  • Category: Drill
  • Location: Goldfields
  • Status/Condition: Used
  • Serial Number: L721D244
  • Part Number: LH621i
  • Category: Load Haul Dump
  • Location: Goldfields
  • Status/Condition: Used
  • Serial Number: L021D483
  • Part Number: LH621i
  • Category: Load Haul Dump
  • Location: Goldfields
Total Price Excluding
  • Status/Condition: Used
  • Serial Number: L821D421
  • Part Number: LH621
  • Category: Load Haul Dump
  • Location: Goldfields
Total Price Excluding
  • Status/Condition: Used
  • Serial Number: JLK00861
  • Part Number: Underground Loader
  • Category: Load Haul Dump
  • Location: Goldfields
Total Price Excluding
$20,000 + GST
  • Status/Condition: Used
  • Serial Number: L021D117
  • Part Number: LH621
  • Category: Load Haul Dump
  • Location: Orange, NSW
Total Price Excluding
$495,000 + GST
  • Status/Condition: Used
  • Serial Number: TMG17URE0477
  • Part Number: EPIROC
  • Category: Drill
  • Location: GOLDFIELDS
Total Price Excluding
$1,300,000 + GST
  • Status/Condition: Used
  • Serial Number: 121B74976-1
  • Part Number: Sandvik
  • Category: Drill
  • Location: Mid West
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Established in 2014, Worthy Parts is an internationally recognised platform for sourcing and selling parts, components and machinery across the mining, earthmoving, and construction industries.

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